Film Title Ideas
In this post there is my finished opening scene for my movie which I decided to name 'Dirty Little Secret'. While deciding on a name for our film, Alex Saker and I drafted a little list of rough ideas as a way of brainstorming. Here are the names we came up with:
- Lies
- Deceit
- The 14th
- Deception
- Teenage dream
- PS, I (something) you
- When love goes to waste
- Something about Abi
- There’s something about Abi
- Not my girl
- My valentine shock
- My girl, not my valentine
- Teenage fling
- Love hurts
- Only say it if you mean it
- 3 words
- Love you more
- Dirty little secret
- Shh.
- Modern affair
We eventually came to the conclusion that 'Dirty Little Secret' was the most suitable name for our film. I think this title is punchy and to the point, which I hope would entice a viewer into watching the film.
Problems encountered while making the final film
As explained in my shooting schedule, the original actress we wanted to play the female part dropped out when we originally planned to shoot the movie. As a result of this, we had to postpone filming to a different day and use a different actress.
Another problem was while shooting the point of view shot of the iPod, as it was too hard to make the iPod display itself clearly outside in the sun. The background is actually the boyfriend and the girlfriend, and he goes to a playlist stating he is putting on their song - but this can not be seen.
Tweaks made to film after final storyboard
In my final opening scene to a film, quite a few changes have been made from the storyboard. One way it changed is the planned birds' eye view shot which my TAR suggested could be hard. When filming the opening scene, we didn't have appropriate resources to shoot shots from a birds' eye view in those rooms. Instead we cut straight from a scene of the boyfriend being cheated on to a close up of him about to walk in, which still gives the same affect of him about to bust them.
A big change is the phone call at the start of the clip. This is done because before it was in, the narrative was not clear enough. This meant the film was longer so to shorten we changed the end as well. We cut of the narrative between the boyfriend and girlfriend at the end as this was not very well acted anyway. Instead a slow motion scene was created to build tension, but you don't actually see whether the boy bust them or not.
Another change from my plan was I could not get hold of a rose for the film. This meant it was harder to connote it was Valentines Day. Also, the iPod did not clearly display the date on camera so this was another way we couldn't show the viewer it was Valentines Day. The were two suggestions of Valentines Day during the film, the first is near the start on the phone call where there male mentions that it isValentines Day. The other way in which the film connotes Valentines Day is in the song lyrics, as it sings about the girl being his valentine. Although this isn't quite was I wanted, I still feel this is suitable.
Below is the opening scene of my movie 'Dirty Little Secret', enjoy!
Evidence of shooting
Here is photographic evidence that me and my partner recorded and completely controlled the movie ourselves. These pictures are not posed and were actually during shots.
This final picture is of my partner in filming, Alex Saker, shooting a scene in the bedroom:
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