Thursday 24 March 2011

PLANNING: Marketing and Distribution

Below is the official poster for my film 'Dirty Little Secret':

I created this poster in Microsoft Publisher, after many drafts and trials with different techniques. I shall now run you through how I came to creating the poster above.

I started with this photo and I wanted to work with this as the main feature of my poster, as they are to be the main stars of the film:

 From here I thought it could be a good idea to try and split up the photo and show try to imply to the viewer that the girl had a dark secret. So I split the photo up into two different photos, and made the one of the girl black and white for a dark effect. Like so:

 So now I had split the photo, I needed to add in the film title 'Dirty Little Secret'. I chose to do this down the middle and actually use that as the thing to split up, this is quite a dominant place for it which is good as it's the title. Next the film production company logo I had made needed to go on it, so I added this to the top. A final idea I had was to add the words 'Dirty Little Secret' over and over again to the right hand side, to really get across the girl has a dark secret.

Putting all this together, I came out with this:
I thought this one to the left was okay but too narrow for a poster so I added in black round the sides to even it out, like this poster shown to the right...

I eventually came to the conclusion of moving the 'AZ Productions PRESENTS' down onto the poster and get rid of all the black. Now I had arrived at the poster at the top of this post, my final film poster!

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